The art of being a Pragmagic Designer

In agile organisations, pragmatism can sometimes have a negative connotation, particularly for designers who strive for perfection. Being pragmatic often implies making compromises, embracing iterative improvements, and prioritising efficiency over quality. 

For designers who are deeply passionate about their craft and strive for flawless outcomes, the idea of settling for less-than-ideal solutions can be disheartening. They may fear that pragmatism could compromise the integrity of their designs or lead to suboptimal user experiences. 

Struggling to balance the desire for perfection with the need for agility, these designers may grapple with frustration and dissatisfaction as they navigate agile development's dynamic and fast-paced nature. However, they must recognise that pragmatism does not necessarily equate to mediocrity; instead, it can foster adaptability and responsiveness, ultimately leading to more user-centred and impactful results.

Enter the "Pragmagic" design concept, which combines pragmatism and magic to elevate the user experience of each product release.

What is Pragmagic Design?

Pragmagic design is the art of accepting experimentation, picking the right battles, and balancing compromise with customer delight. It's about striking the perfect equilibrium between practicality and creativity, logic and intuition, efficiency and wonder. 

The Pragmagic Designer's Mindset

A Pragmagic designer approaches problems with an open mind, constantly seeking new perspectives and ideas. They understand the importance of collaboration and value input from team members with diverse backgrounds and skill sets. This mindset encourages creativity and empowers the team to think outside the box, leading to innovative solutions that might not have been possible in a purely pragmatic or conventional environment.

At the same time, the Pragmagic designer is grounded in reality and practicality. They prioritise delivering tangible outcomes, staying focused on the organisation's goals, and keeping the customers' needs at the forefront. They avoid getting lost in a sea of imaginative ideas and instead channel their magic towards generating solutions that drive real-world impact. A blend of left-brain and right-brain thinking that leads to genuinely exceptional results.

Being Pragmagic means extracting customer and business value while appreciating limiting factors such as technical legacy, regulatory requirements and time-to-market. Or in the case of creating new products, focusing on key journeys to test and validate different hypotheses as fast as possible.

Embracing Iteration and Flexibility

In an agile organisation, the iterative process is at the core of development. The Pragmagic designer thrives in this environment, using each iteration as an opportunity to refine and enhance the product quality and user experience. Just like a magician practices their tricks tirelessly, the Pragmagic designer continually experiments, adjusts, and improves their magical implementations.

The ability to adapt and pivot is another crucial aspect of the Pragmagic designer's approach. Magic often requires flexibility and adaptability, as only some tricks work perfectly on the first attempt. Similarly, in the face of changing market demands or unexpected obstacles, the Pragmagic designer remains agile, ensuring their solutions remain relevant and effective.

Balancing Risks and Rewards

Like any creative endeavour, incorporating magic into the pragmatic world comes with risks. However, the Pragmagic designer understands that taking calculated risks can produce substantial rewards. They carefully assess potential drawbacks while considering the transformative impact of incremental design on the organisation.

Pragmagic designers are not reckless gamblers; they use their intuition and expertise to gather data and insights to make informed decisions. They also embrace a fail-forward mentality, recognising that failure is an inherent part of innovation. Through these failures, they learn and grow, ultimately achieving greater success.


Agile organisations must embrace innovation and creativity to thrive. Pragmagic design provides a unique and powerful approach to achieving this balance. By combining pragmatism and magic, the Pragmagic designer infuses the agile process with a sense of wonder, exploration, and inspiration.

With a mindset of continuous improvement and a willingness to make calculated compromises, the Pragmagic designer and their agile organisation can achieve extraordinary feats that captivate customers, delight stakeholders, and set new standards in their industry. All while delivering customer and business value in each release. 

So, let the magic begin, and embark on a journey where practicality and creativity coexist in harmony to shape better products.

Would you like to make your organisation more Pragmagic?

1-hour design consultation with our co-founders

Schedule a call with our co-founders to receive expert advice on your existing brand or product.

  • Present your idea, product or challenge.

  • Collaborative discussion to consider all aspects of your request.

  • Design-led advice based on experience and expertise.

  • Get a list of pragmatic actions.

Fee: £250* (€290)


Once purchased, you will receive an e-mail with a short questionnaire and a link to book your appointment. If you have any questions, write to us at


Please allow for 48h notice as you will be asked to provide some information about your product before the consultation.

(*) The consultation fee will be included in the project cost if you choose to work with us.

Rafael Schouchana

Experience Designer based in London with over 24 years of experience working in 6 countries. Partner at Atlanttico.


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